Changing the font of your numbers and text in an Excel spreadsheet definitely makes your document more visually appealing and makes it easier for the reader to assimilate information. Additionally, if you often use the same typefaces and font sizes, you may change the default font that Excel uses for all new workbooks.
The majority of spreadsheet software comes pre-configured with a preset typeface. For instance, Microsoft Excel files begin with the Calibri font set to its default size of 11. The default font for Excel on a Mac is Body Font (Calibri) at size 12. You do have the option of changing the font style, size, and color.
However, if you have a preferred font that you want to utilize across your sheets, changing the default font every time you open a new worksheet would be a waste of time. As a result, here is the demonstration of how to alter the default font in Excel in various versions (Mac and Windows). Here in this article, a step-by-step guide is provided for you to learn how to set default font in excel.
Why do I have to Change my Default Font in Excel?
Here are more reasons for changing the default font in Excel –
- Bored with the same old font. You may need to choose a fresh default font to revitalize your motivation.
- For accessibility, you may need to use larger fonts.
- You may wish to personalize all your worksheets with your distinctive font.
- The same old Calibri font might be monotonous, making your sheets and papers stand out with a new font.
- Many organizations have their fonts in their branding strategy.
Whatever the cause, it’s straightforward to change the default font in Excel, and you need to do it once, never again.
How to Change the Default Font in Excel by Making an Excel Template?
If you like specific default font settings, background colors, formulas, or even logos to show in every spreadsheet you open, then you can easily do it. Excel templates enable you to build pre-formatted sheets that you may use again and again. Having such a default template is a terrific approach to having your spreadsheet ready with your preferences.
In a blank worksheet, you need to alter formatting according to your taste or needs. Then save it as the default template. Here’s a step-by-step method as to how to set default font in Excel –
Step – 1: Put all your settings and preferences in a blank Excel workbook. You can configure margins, add photos or logos, establish header and footer, modify font, cell colors, print setting, and everything you wish to set by default.
Step – 2: Make a click on the tab ‘File.’
Step – 3: Now, from the sidebar,
select ‘Save As.’
Step – 4: Then, click on ‘Browse.’
Step – 5: Now, the ‘Save As’ dialogue box will be opened. Now, from the dropdown, click on ‘Excel Template.’
Step – 6: Now, you have to change the file name. Make it ‘Book.’
Step – 7: The XLSTART folder will have Excel templates for your default sheet and book. You will find it under Microsoft/Excel/Folder. Enter the path in the location bar at the top of the ‘Save As’ window.
Step – 8: Make a click on ‘Save.’
Step – 9: Now, close Excel and restart it. The new workbook will contain everything new you wanted.

How to Change the Default Font in Excel 2007?
If you use Excel 2007 or previous versions, the interface is a bit different. Here’s a step-by-step method as to how to set default font in excel –
Step – 1: Open Microsoft Excel.
Step – 2: At the bottom of the window, you will see ‘Excel Options’. Click it.
Step – 3: You will now see the dialogue box of ‘Excel Options’ open. ‘Select the category ‘Popular’ (If not already).
Step – 4: Go to the section ‘When creating new workbooks’ and select the font you wish to use.
Step – 5: Use the dropdown menu and click on ‘Use this font.
Step – 6: Going to the dropdown menu of ‘Font size,’ select the font size.
Step – 7: Make a click on ‘OK.’
Step – 8: Close Excel and then restart it. You will now see the new settings in effect.
Changing the default font in Excel for Mac
Here’s a step-by-step method as to how to set default font in excel –
Step – 1: Click on ‘Preferences’ on the Excel menu.
Step – 2: Click on ‘General’ under ‘Authoring.’
Step – 3: Go to ‘Default Font’ and then to ‘Font Sizes’ and select a new font size.
Step – 4: Make a click on ‘OK.’ Note that this won’t work on the existing workbook.
Step – 5: Close Excel and then restart it, and you shall see the changes.
How to preview fonts on Windows 10
The experience gives more information and preview tool in addition to the basic settings page.
To receive a preview of the font, follow the following steps –
Step – 1: Go to ‘Settings.
Step – 2: Make a click on ‘Personalization.’
Step – 3: Open ‘Fonts.’
Step – 4: Click preview of the font family you wish to see.
The font preview page is broken into two parts. The top one offers a box to enter some text to see how letters appear on every possible font face (italic, bold, regular, etc.). You’ll also find a slider to preview font size as needed. Then there’s the “Metadata” part at the bottom of the page that shows crucial font face info like complete name, file location, version, supported languages, license, and more. (You may also use the dropdown option to explore different font details.) As noted before, you may easily remove the font family as necessary from this area.
If you’re a web developer or typographer examining an OpenType Variable font-family, like Microsoft’s Bahnschrift, within the page, you’ll also discover a link to access extra attributes under “Metadata.” In addition, you have various tools on the Variable font properties page to see axis information and explore various font variants only accessible on OpenType fonts.
How to Set Default Font in Excel for Office 365?
The font utilized when entering your cells will likely be the Calibri font for you initially start using Microsoft Excel. For a long, it’s been the default choice for Microsoft Office products, and many people appear to prefer it.
But you may like another font, or your school or organization may demand you to use something particular. Fortunately, you can alter the default font in Excel by modifying an option in the Excel Options menu.
The procedures in this post were completed in Microsoft Excel for Office 365 but will also work in other software versions. Note that you may set the default font to any font installed on your computer. Here’s a step-by-step method as to how to set default fonts in Excel 365 –
Step – 1: Open Excel
Step – 2: At the top left of the window, select ‘File.’
Step – 3: From the bottom-left corner of the window. Select ‘Options’.
Step – 4: Click on ‘Use this as the default font’ and choose from the list.
Step – 5: After choosing, make a click on ‘OK.’
How to Change the Default Font Style in Excel?
Some users may not like Excel’s default word or hyperlink font. Although you may modify the word font of the whole sheet using the font options in the Home menu, the default font stays when creating a new Excel file. Here’s a step-by-step method as to how to set default font in Excel –
Step – 1: Open Excel, then go to ‘Home’ and then to ‘Cell Styles.’
Step – 2: Make a right-click on ‘Normal.’
Step – 3: Make a click on ‘Modify.’
Step – 4: Click’ Format’.
Step – 5: Choose the font of your choice.
Step – 6: Restart Excel, and you will see the changes.
Suggestions for Using Fonts in Excel During Presentations
Transparent fonts: Fonts can make or break a spreadsheet. Always use a consistent font for your data; you may either use the same font for your header or modify it. Three typefaces are the suggested limit for a single presentation- anymore would be stretching it. In this instance, less is incomparably better.
These are the criteria to follow while choosing the appropriate font format.
Individuals seldom make use of Excel’s alignment feature. If you want your presentation to seem professional and polished, you’ll want to leverage the alignment feature.
Headers should often be aligned in the middle, unless it is more aesthetically pleasing to have them offset. For numbers or numerical data, the data should be aligned to the extreme right, whereas for text, the data should be aligned to the extreme left. Center alignment is not recommended for data entry. To wrap your data or title around a cell, click on the cell and click on the Home toolbar, choose Alignment, then wrap text.
Color of the font:
There is such a thing as an excessive amount of color. While this is often stressed in fashion, it also applies to designs such as Excel presentations. You should limit your presentation to no more than two complimentary colors, hues of the same shade, or two opposing colors.
You want a strong contrast between the text color and the background color, for example, bright text on a dark background and vice versa. This is where the “zebra stripes” rule comes into play, as detailed in further detail later in the text.
Size of the font:
This ultimately depends on your presentation, however on an official level, font 12 with double spacing is often recommended to increase readability. As previously noted, the header font may be increased in size. The headers should be bigger than the sub-headers, which should be bigger than the data fonts.
Font type:
Here’s a short tip: sans-serif fonts are the ideal choice for your Excel spreadsheet if readability is a priority. Examples include Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, and Playfair. When utilized properly, they may bring out the best in your Excel presentation.
This guide showed you two methods to select your favorite font as Excel’s default font. One way to change it from the Excel Options dialogue box is to save your default font settings as an Excel template. Let us know if you found this guide on how to set default font in Excel useful in the comments section below.
What are Excel fonts?
In Excel XP, a font has three elements: font or letter style, letter size, and letter color. For example, the default font in a spreadsheet is Arial 10 points but quickly adjust the type and size.
What are four primary font types?
Most types may be categorized into one of four fundamental groups: serifs, serifs, scripts, and decorative styles.
What does it mean by font style?
Font style relates to the size, weight, color, and style of written characters in a document, email, or website. In other words, font style modifies the look of a whole set of characters forming a font or font.
What’s the font purpose?
Fonts can generate atmosphere and emotion. Fonts may convey visual cues, the order in which a text should be read, which portions are more significant than others. Fonts can even impact how long it takes someone to read a page.
What’s the larger font’s importance?
Words in bigger font sizes are deemed more remembered and regarded with better learning judgments (JOLs). One reason is that individuals think font size impacts memory.
What fonts can logos use?
Helvetica is possibly the most ubiquitous sans serif font of all, and many firms use some form of version in their logo: Caterpillar, Microsoft, Target, Panasonic, and more. If your objective is to produce a clean, minimalist look in your logo, you will opt for some serif font.
Which font is the most appropriate for Microsoft Excel?
However, when it comes to selecting the optimal font for both text and numbers, the font you pick is critical. In terms of readability, the Times New Roman typeface is regarded to be more readable and quicker to read than other regularly used fonts.
What does the term “font face” mean in Excel?
Excel’s Live Preview function shows the chosen cells in the various fonts when you hover your cursor over a font face. Alternately, you may use the Font drop-down list to choose another font face. Select a font size by clicking the Font Size arrow in the Font group of the Home tab.