Image credit There are several things you may need to spruce up the decorations in your office or your home. At times, no matter how much you look, nothing is as satisfying as the image in your mind that demands…
Image credit There are several things you may need to spruce up the decorations in your office or your home. At times, no matter how much you look, nothing is as satisfying as the image in your mind that demands…
Image credit Obsession is not a new word. Everyone is engrossed with something or the other, and being obsessed with a cat has been around for thousands of years. From the Egyptians who worshipped them to voyagers who took them…
Image source Some fonts are formal and some are informal. Among the latter, there are several that are playful and simply perfect for kids to have a fun time when they’re learning to use different applications on their computers. One…
Image source The list of fonts that are in-built across modern-day operating systems is nearly endless and there are so many more that you can download from the internet. While there are numerous modern fonts that boast of characteristics such…
Image credit The artistic trait in a person can come out in any form. Music, dance, painting, singing, and writing are some of the art forms that an individual uses to express himself. Among the art forms, writing has been…
Image credit Calligraphy is the art of beautiful handwriting. Typically, calligraphers use special calligraphy pens or ink brushes to create beautiful art pieces. If you are a beginner and do not have a calligraphy pen, can you write calligraphy with…
Image credit Every Windows-based system has a default font library that consists of a wide variety of fonts. However, newer and more innovative fonts are always being developed and these can really make a piece of writing or a photograph…
Image credit Calligraphy can simply be defined as the visual art of writing. With an ornate outlook and a history as rich as the art form itself, calligraphy is about well-thought-out and designed letters. It has long been associated with…
Image credit Microsoft’s free graphics editing software was developed on the .NET framework by Rick Brewster as a student project for the Washington State University. However, the reception of the software resulted in it becoming the replacement for the…
Image credit Human civilization adopted the practice of writing scriptures and religious texts in various forms and formats. The evolution of writing in itself has interesting anecdotes for people who trace its origin to famous civilizations like Egyptian, Indus valley,…