Ever since the advent of social media in our lives, it has become an effortless task to connect with people. Today, we can discuss any issue with people from across the world by simply hitting the comment button under a post. The comment sections are abuzz with opinions and reactions by people from different strata of life. The social media comment section has indeed made the world a smaller place, where ideas flow freely.
YouTube Comment Formatting – Once such form of social media interaction can be seen under the comment section of YouTube videos. People laugh together, smile together, and share their opinions with each other under this section. Each person tries to make their comment stand out among the sea of comments flooding this section. We can all agree that sometimes this section is even more interesting than the actual video, where an average person can also express themself with a mere comment.
So how do you make your comment stand out in the midst of so many others? Well, first thing first, it is important to make a meaningful comment. If you wish that your comment is different from the rest of the crowd, it has to be relevant and properly crafted. To make it even more eye-catching, you can use the YouTube comment formatting. This is the simplest way to make your comments noticeable.
What is YouTube Comment Formatting?
Do not let complicated terms like YouTube comment formatting fool you. No, there is nothing technical about this technique. As a matter of fact, you are probably already familiar with it.
In the year 2019, WhatsApp had launched a similar feature on their platform. This feature enabled the users to format their messages on the App in Bold, Italic, and Strikethrough. Both Android, as well as iPhone users, had access to this feature and it has certainly made messaging a lot more fun. You can even change the font styles of your text in the YouTube comments section. We will get to that later in this article, so read on.
Different Types of YouTube Comment Formatting-
Similar to WhatsApp, you can even format your comments under YouTube’s videos. YouTube comment formatting also allows the users to use any of the below-mentioned formatting styles:
- Bold
- Italic
Using these different styles of formatting can make your comments even more interesting. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement. The YouTube comments section can be spruced up even more by adding more features like:
- Increase font size
- Decrease font size
- Insert images
- Line spacing
This will certainly make the comment section not only more vibrant but also more interactive for the users of YouTube. As newer features are added to the platform with each update, we can hope to see these changes very soon.
Why is YouTube Comment Formatting Important?
Before we tackle the question- how to change font on YouTube comments? It is important to understand why comment formatting on YouTube is so important. As mentioned above, there are so many comments made by a wide variety of people in the comment section of each video. Changing the font of YouTube comments, primarily allows the viewer to make their comment stand out. By emphasizing a few words or phrases in a comment can also help the viewers communicate a specific message to the YouTuber. Such comments look apart from the rest and are therefore easily seen. Other than these obvious reasons why YouTube comment formatting is important, there are some technical reasons that make changing fonts so lucrative:
- Comment formatting allows you to make the important keywords of a comment in bold
- If you want to insert a call to action or a reference link, you can italicize the text
- If there is any unwanted content in the comment, you can easily remove them by using the strikethrough feature
- Formatting comments enhance the reading experience of the viewers
- If there are links inserted in a comment, formatting them helps increase their CTR (Click Through Rate)
- Comment formatting enables the writer to communicate their message with greater clarity
How to use YouTube Comment Formatting?
So, how to change font on YouTube comments? The platform of YouTube does not offer any direct comment formatting options to the users. You can not simply click a button to write the comment in Bold, Italic, or Strikethrough like you would in MS Office. However, there are some tips and tricks that you can employ in order to answer the question- how to change font on YouTube comments? Let us take you through an easy and quick step-by-step guide that will help you format your YoutTube comments to make them more exciting to read.
How to make YouTube Comments Bold?
In order to make certain words in the comment bold, all you have to do is put the asterisk sign (*) around it. You can even use this trick to make multiple sentences bold or make the entire comment bold using this easy trick. Let us use an example to understand this better:
Comment- Please like my YouTube Comment.
Step 1- If you wish to make the words “YouTube Comment” bold in the above sentence, you have to put an asterisk (*) around these words. To do this, try to add the asterisk sign as we have shown below:
Formatted Text- Please like my *YouTube Comment*.
Step 2- Press enter or publish the comment and it will appear as:
Published Comment- Please like my YouTube Comment.
Please remember not to confuse the asterisk (*) sign with any other special character if you want to make your text bold. This is an important tip that is applicable to all other YouTube comment formatting styles.

How to make YouTube Comments Italic?
Apart from making YouTube comments Bold, most viewers prefer to make their text italic. This is certainly the second most widely used text formatting style on YouTube.
How to change font on YouTube comments to Italic you might ask? In order to make your comment in Italic, all you have to do is put the underscore sign (_) around the desired text.
Let us use an example to elucidate this trick better:
Comment- Please share my YouTube channel with your friends and family.
Step 1- For instance, you might want to italicize the words “share my YouTube channel” in the above-mentioned comment. To do that, put an underscore sign (_) around the words “share my YouTube channel.” You can do that by:
Formatted Text- Please _share my YouTube channel_ with your friends and family.
Step 2- Press enter or publish the comment and it will look something like this:
Published Comment- Please share my YouTube channel with your friends and family.
Yes, italicizing a comment is that easy. Give it a try the next time you comment on YouTube.
How to make YouTube Comments Strikethrough?
Strikethrough or as it is more commonly known as Crossout is another formatting style of YouTube comments. It is nothing but a way to cross something out that is no longer considered relevant. If you want to delete something from a comment, you can make use of this formatting style.
In order to strike a certain text, you simply have to put a dash or hyphen (-) around that text.
Let us understand this better with an example:
Comment- Please press hit the bell icon to get notifications from my YouTube channel.
Step 1- If you look closely at the comment, you will notice that the word “hit” is irrelevant and is probably used by mistake. You might want to strikethrough a redundant word like “hit” in the above-mentioned comment. To do that, simply put a hyphen or dash sign (-) around the word “hit.” You can do that by:
Formatted Text- Please press -hit- the bell icon to get notifications from my YouTube channel.
Step 2- Press enter or publish the comment and it will look something like this:
Published Comment- Please press hit the bell icon to get notifications from my YouTube channel.
How to change font on YouTube comments?
Once you have mastered the art of formatting your YouTube comments, you can move one step further. After making your comments bold, italic, or strikethrough, you can try some more advanced comments transformation. If you want your YouTube comments to stand out, even more, you can try to change the font styles after applying the basic comments formatting styles to your text. This trick is surely going to get your comment noticed by many more people.
Let us get into these advanced tricks of changing your YouTube comments without any further ado. Follow the steps given below to easily change the font of your comments on YouTube’s platform:
Step 1- Open the YouTube app on your iPhone or Android smartphone. You can even use this trick by opening the YouTube website on your Chrome/ Firefox/ Safari browser.
Step 2- Next, sign in to your YouTube account with your Google account. This step is important as you can not make comments under any video unless you are logged in to your account.
Step 3- Open a third-party website called Bold Text Generator or fsymbols.com.
Step 4- Once you have opened the website in a new tab, select a font style from the sample fonts offered on the website.
Step 5-Click on the text editor. You can type the comment you want to post on YouTube in the text editor.
Step 6- These real-time text generating websites instantly generate the text in your desired font.
Step 7- Copy the converted text.
Step 8- Go back to the YouTube website. Click on the comment section under a video.
Step 9- Paste the new font style in the comment section.
Step 10- Publish the comment.
Viola! You now have your YouTube comment in a unique font style that is sure to stand out from the hundreds of comments made on the website.
How to insert emojis in YouTube comments?
Now that you have learned how to change font on YouTube comments, you can also learn how to add emojis to your comments on a YouTube video. Emojis have become a part and parcel of our message communications. Sometimes we don’t even need words to express how we feel. A simple emoji will do the job. So, why not add them to your YouTube comments? Let’s see the quick and easy way to add spark to our YouTube comments:
Step 1- Open the YouTube app on your smartphone. This trick works just as well on the YouTube website on your Chrome/ Firefox/ Safari browser.
Step 2- Sign in to your YouTube account. This is an important step because YouTube does not allow you to comment under a video until you are logged in to your account.
Step 3- Open a third-party website like getemoji.com.
Step 4- Select the emoji you want or you can select all of them at once. Copy them.
Step 5- Go to your Notepad app.
Step 6- Paste the copied emojis here.
Step 7- Select and copy the emoji/emojis you want to use.
Step 8-Now go to the YouTube website. Click on the comment section under a video.
Step 9- Paste emoji in the comment section.
Step 10- Publish the comment.
Add fervor to your YouTube comment with this easy trick making your comment grab all the attention.
In a Nutshell
Social media is the powerhouse of communication these days and you can only make a lasting impression by standing out from the crowd. Add spice to your comments on an online video platform like YouTube and you can definitely grab some much-desired attention. You can channel this attention into achieving something productive like advertising your business or your own YouTube channel. These unconventional professions require you to try and ace some unconventional ways of achieving success. We hope this article helps you generate some intuitive and interactive comments that take you closer to your goals in life!