Learning how to change font color on Google Sites is a great way to add some personality and flair to your page. It’s also a useful tool for highlighting important text or making specific words or phrases stand out. In this article, we’ll show you how to change font color on Google Sites in just a few easy steps.
What is a Google Site?
A Google Site can be used for a variety of purposes, from creating a website to sharing documents with colleagues. You can also use a Google Site to create a professional or personal portfolio, or to create a website for your business. Google Sites is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, so it’s worth exploring what it can do for you.
How To Change Font Color On Google Sites?
Google Sites can be easily created by logging into your Google account and clicking the “Create” button on your toolbar.
To change the font color of text on a Google Site, highlight the text you would like to change and click on “More” in your toolbar. Scroll down until you see “Font color,” which should be near the bottom of the list, and select it. The “Font color” option may say something different depending on if you’ve already customized your text or not. After choosing a font color as well as any other formatting changes you’d like to make, click “Done.”
If you ever want to return back to the original text formatting, just follow the same process and choose “Not now” for step three.
Using Google Sites is a great way to create effective web pages in a matter of minutes. But it’s important to remember that the content you write is always more important than how it looks. Make sure your text is engaging by including relevant information about your topic. Also make sure the spacing on your page makes sense, as it can be difficult to read text that is crowded together.
Why Should I Change Font Color of a Google Site?
Many new designers are confused by the level of importance given to fonts. It is quite common to question the need to spend so much time and energy in selecting the right font.
Here are some of the common reasons why experienced designers keep a large library of fonts with them.
Attracting attention
Using unique fonts is a great way to attract the attention of the readers. For example, this article is entirely written in one font. Adding a sentence or word in a different font will immediately get the attention of the readers. This is particularly true if you use a unique font that the readers are not used to. This is very useful for conveying important messages easily.
Creating a theme
Graphic designers use different fonts to create a theme or mood for a particular project. Let’s say you are creating an Instagram post on Halloween. In such a case, using Times New Roman will be completely useless. Instead, you can play with different fonts to find the one which creates a spooky theme. This will set the tone for the entire post.
Building brand recognition
Companies often use one or two fonts for all the promotional and marketing material related to their brand. This helps in creating brand recognition in the minds of the customers. Even though this might seem like a silly step, it is quite important. This helps in creating a personal connection with the customers where they start connecting the business to a certain design.
Conveying the message
Using the right font helps in conveying the message to the readers. Let’s say you are writing about a product launch. In such a post, you will likely share details of your product as well as answer the questions that your customers might have. Here, using a stylized font will look completely out of place. Instead, you will have to use a regular font so that the customers actually focus on reading the message.
Google Sites is a free, easy-to-use website builder that anyone can use to create and share web pages. You might want to learn how to change font color on Google Sites of your text for any number of reasons. Maybe you’re writing a presentation for work or school, or you’re creating an event invite. It’s possible to do this yourself by using some pretty simple formatting tricks on your page!
Fonts can help in creating a great design for your website. However, the main reason to use fonts is so that you communicate better with your readers or customers. Make sure you use the right font to get your point across.

1. How to change font color on Google Sites?
Yes, you can change the font color in Google sites. You highlight the text that you would like to change and then click on ‘More’ in your toolbar. Scroll down until you see ‘Font color’, which should be near the bottom of the list, and select it. The ‘Font color’ option may say something different depending on if you’ve already customized your text or not. After choosing a font color as well as any other formatting changes you’d like to make, click ‘Done.’
2. Do I have to reset my site if I want to get back my original formatting?
No, there is no need to reset your site if you want to get back your original formatting. Just follow our earlier steps–just choose “Not now” for the pop-up window that says “Format content using ‘classic.'”
3. What if I want to change the text colors back to their defaults?
There are two ways you can do this. First, click on ‘More’ in your toolbar and scroll down until you see ‘Formats,’ which should be near the bottom of the list. Click on it, choose one of the colon options–for example, “Default,” highlight everything you’d like to reset, and click again on “Default.” Second, click on ‘More’ in your toolbar and scroll down until you see ‘Reset page,’ which should be at or near the bottom of the list. Clicking this will reset all formatting changes made since your last save.
4. How do I know if the font color change worked?
You should be able to tell immediately whether your changes took effect by selecting and deleting a sentence or two. Then try looking at the text formatting (bolded, italicized, etc.). If you like what you see, take a quick peek around the rest of your site to make sure everything looks good. If it does, save your work!
5. Can I delete formatted text?
Yes, just select your text and hit ‘delete.’ Doing this will revert any formatting changes you made since the last time you saved. In addition, ‘Delete’ may show up in some places as an option in your toolbar or menu bar instead of just being under ‘More.’ Always select ‘Delete’ on the toolbar first if it’s an option, as this will always result in your text reverting to default formatting.
6. Is there any benefit of changing font color on Google’s site?
Font color helps you to make a great design for your website. It is important to use the right font color for better communication with your readers or customers.
7. Do I need any special software to change the font color on Google Sites?
No, there is no need of using special software as it is a free website builder and anyone can create their own site within minutes. There is also an option available in the “More” menu from a toolbar which allows changing the text formatting easily.
8. What is Google Sites?
Google Sites is a free, easy-to-use website builder that anyone can use to create and share web pages. It is a wonderful platform for designing professional yet beautiful websites.
9. What if I do not see the option “Font color” in my toolbar?
The font color option should be available in your toolbar, but it may be hidden under the More dropdown. To make this an available option, click on More and scroll down until you see “Font color.” After clicking on it, make sure the rest of your options are correct; then, click Done.
10. How do I select all text to change its formatting?
First, highlight the text you want to format by selecting it with your cursor. Second, locate and click on Edit in your toolbar; this should be near the top of your toolbar. Third, select “Select All.” Fourth, click on More in your toolbar and scroll down until you see ‘Formats’, which should be near the bottom of the list. Fifth, click on it, choose one of the options–for example, “Default,” highlight everything you’d like to reset, and click again on “Reset page.”
11. What if I do not see “Formats” as an option?
If you do not see “Formats” as an option, this means that font color formatting is not currently available for your section of your site. This may mean there are too many sections already formatted on the page. Try separating them into different pages (by dragging one onto another) rather than adding more sections to one page; then, format new sections separately. If you still don’t have access to “Font color,” contact Google support by clicking More > Help & Feedback > Contact Us. This will open a new tab and allow you to request assistance with your problem.