Using Medibang Paint isn’t just fun and easy, it can also be affordable if you have one of the many discounted codes floating around the internet. You may have already chosen your code, but now you’re wondering how to add fonts to Medibang Paint when you try to add them to your project or canvas. This article will show you how! The method detailed here will work with both the free version of Medibang Paint and the full version of Medibang Pro, so whether you’re on Windows or Mac, you can use this method!
The requirements
To add new fonts, you’ll need to download them from an online font library, such as Adobe Typekit or Font Squirrel. If you don’t already have an account on one of these sites, create an account for free before downloading any fonts. Once you’ve opened your preferred font library and found a font that you like, click Download.
Some fonts will come with instructions. If they do, follow these instructions exactly so that your new font is compatible with Medibang Paint. Other fonts may not include any instructions. It is safe to assume you can simply double-click on them once they’ve finished downloading to install them. You may receive a message warning that another application wants access to those same files. In that case, hit Allow Access to allow Medibang Paint Pro full access. Now let us move on to the part where we learn how to add fonts to Medibang.
Adding a font to Medibang
Adding new fonts to your font library in Medibang Paint is incredibly easy! Here’s how. First, open any file with text you want to apply your new font. Next, go to File and select Document Settings. Then, scroll down and click on Font Family/Typeface and select Add New. The following window will appear: Now choose your desired font from a drop-down menu. You can type keywords into another drop-down menu (which are organized by style) to filter them out or add more of your own words until you find what you’re looking for.
Next, simply double-click on that font name and it will be added to your list of available fonts! Finally, when you’ve added all your desired fonts, press okay at the bottom of the page. And then close and re-open your document. There should now be a small font preview box near your header—choose one of these options to set which font family each word in that paragraph will use. That’s it! The added font should be applied throughout that entire sentence, like magic!
Don’t forget to save before closing your file. If you haven’t already done so 🙂 That’s really all there is to know about how to add fonts to Medibang. Enjoy writing with fresh new typefaces!
Add the font (TTF) File to your Media Library
Once you learn how to add fonts to Medibang, you can play around with various fonts to give your stories a fresh look. To get these fonts, you will need to download them from one of many font repositories. Popular sites include DaFont and Google Fonts. While on these sites, you will also want to double check that your TTF file is compatible with Windows 7 or Mac OS X 10.7+. If your file is not compatible, please check other websites for alternatives.
Now that you have a compatible TTF file for Windows or Mac OS X, it’s time add it to your Media Library in Medibang Paint! To do so, simply go to File -> Add file to library… then select your new TTF file and click Open. The next step involves setting up certain settings such as alignment (for example, left-justified), spacing, and boldness. More information about what each of these options do can be found here. After you are done making sure everything looks good (you can always come back later if needed), click OK to finish adding your new font!
Congratulations! You have just added your new font into Media Library in Medibang Paint! This takes your knowledge of how to add fonts to Medibang to the next level. Now it’s time to use your newly added font in an image! If you are still reading, I assume you already have an image open. If not, move on Step 2 below.
How to use cloud fonts with Medibang?
Another important aspect to know while you learn how to add fonts to Medibang is fonts on cloud. Cloud fonts are fonts that are stored online and can be used on any device connected to the internet, even if you have no font files installed on your computer. This is particularly helpful for graphic designers. Because it means they don’t need to carry around multiple copies of each font file and can use any of their fonts on any computer or device.
First, make sure your project is open in Medibang Paint and then follow these steps. Clicking Fonts will open all your available cloud fonts. Make sure there isn’t an exclamation mark beside any of them. As that would mean there was an error when loading the font into cloud space. And you won’t be able to use it at all until it has been fixed by restarting Medibang Paint. You can turn individual cloud fonts on or off with the tick boxes.
If you wish to add one of your own personal physical font files (these will be in a .otf format), select Create New Cloud Font from File. And then browse your hard drive until you find it. Remember to rename before adding (if necessary). Finally, click Apply & Close Window. Now every time you click ‘Fonts’ from now on, both your personal fonts and those supplied by Medibang Paint will show up!

Can I create fonts for free?
Absolutely! You can create fonts for free and even embed them into your documents and web pages. This process is called creating Web-safe fonts. First, create your font in an application such as Adobe Illustrator. Next, choose File > Save for Web and Devices (Ctrl+Shift+S). The preview window will allow you to see what you’re doing before you save it on your hard drive. You also want to uncheck Embed. This is because when people view your document or web page, they won’t need to load additional software to view your font. When ready, select Save. The final step is choosing a location where you want to save it – most likely in My Documents.
That’s it! Now other users don’t have to install new fonts, making your file more accessible. If someone doesn’t have those fonts installed, their computer will use the default system font instead of displaying an error message.
Common mistakes while adding fonts to Medibang
Adding fonts is straightforward in Medibang, but there are still some common mistakes that people tend to make. Here’s how to avoid them.
Make sure you’re using a True Type or Open Type font if you want it to work properly on computers and smartphones. Ensure that you don’t accidentally resize your font. If it looks blurry after adding it, double-check and make sure you didn’t accidentally zoom into it with your browser window.
Also make sure you choose an appropriate license for your font so that others can use it as well (you can learn more about choosing licensing here). That said, don’t worry about these things too much—they only become important if you plan on adding lots of fonts and becoming a professional typographer! To get started quickly, I recommend checking out Google Fonts—it’s completely free and adds new fonts every day. If you decide to pay for one, ensure that they come with web embedding rights. So you don’t have any trouble when uploading it.
And most importantly: have fun and experiment with different fonts! Remember: type design is an art form that takes years of practice before you become truly proficient at it. Don’t beat yourself up if your designs aren’t coming out great. Just keep practicing over time and let yourself be creative in finding new ways to use them as well!
There are still plenty of mistakes that can happen when adding fonts, so make sure you read through our guide thoroughly. Don’t worry, though. Even if you don’t get it right on your first try, you can always remove or edit your font if something goes wrong.
Save your project in Medibang
As you work on your project, make sure you save frequently. If anything unexpected happens (and it will) you can go back and get it right. To do so, select File > Save Project. If there are any unsaved changes in your project, they’ll appear under Changed items on your save as dialog box. If there are changes that need saving, click Save changes and you’re good to go!
The first time you open or create a new project with Medibang Paint Pro, it’ll ask if you want to load an existing file. Select Open a saved file from another program or Choose file later for now! This ensures that only new content is uploaded to your account. When you’re ready to share some of your hard work with friends and family, simply return here!