The free presentation program was launched in 2006 by Google. This web application is available as an app for smartphones that run on Android, iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows. The most popular presentation software, PowerPoint from Microsoft is highly compatible with Google Slides. The major difference with PowerPoint is that Slides is a web-based application. This feature allows users to:
i. Collaborate with other users who are part of a team to collaborate online in real-time.
ii. The revision history menu allows users to track edits.
iii. Admins can regulate the access permissions of each user.
iv. Users can designate specific jobs to other users.
People without designing knowledge can easily create stunning presentations on this platform. However, there is one glitch that frustrates users and that is missing fonts. This can be easily solved by adding new fonts. We are disclosing other professional methods also to solve the issue of how to add fonts to Google slides below.
Importing Fonts My Your Computer to Slides
The fonts that you will find in the Slides application are all web-based. This is because Slides is a cloud program that draws its sources from an online server. In short, you cannot add custom fonts from your PC or another device to Google Slides.
Extensis Fonts for Google Slides
The issue cited above can be solved by the clever use of a feature in the toolbar as given below:
i. Open the tool “Add-ons” from the toolbar.
ii. Click on “Get add-ons.”
iii. A dropdown box will open. Scroll down to search for the required font by its name.
iv. If the fonts list has your font you can add it to the web application by clicking on the blue free button.
In the future when a necessity to use the font arises, it can be accessed by going to the “Add-ons” in the toolbar. Click the tab and select the tool from the panel to go to the particular font.
Awesome Selection from Google Fonts
Google has come up with a solution to give flair to your painstakingly created presentations on Slide. Google fonts can be accessed by visiting the following link:
You can see from the homepage itself that it has numerous beautiful fonts to give flair to your presentation. All the fonts are free.
How to Add Fonts to Google Slides From Google Fonts
Let us do a test job in one of your presentations:
i. Open any presentation in Google Slides.
ii. Go to a text box of your choice and select the text whose font needs replacement.
iii. Open Google Fonts and click to open the dropdown menu.
iv. Select ‘More fonts’ and a new page will open. It is a cool font explorer tool linked to various fonts.
Let us now learn to use the font explorer.
Add any Font Using the Font Explorer
If you the name of the font that you don’t have on the Slides app, it will be very easy to find it from the explorer. You can enter the name of the font and click on ‘OK’ to add it to your presentation.
Tip: The new font will be available at the top of the drop-down box when you want to use it for a different text box.
Downloading from the Preview Text Page
This is a great option that allows you to see different variations of fonts belonging to distinct font families. As of now, the website has 1020 families with many fonts within each family. This provides the user with a vast array of unique fonts to choose from. Follow the below steps to download the fonts that met your approval:
i. Search by font name: If you know the name of the font, type it in the search box at the top of the page. All the fonts in the family will appear beneath the search box. You can click on any box that has the desired font. A new page will open with a download tab on the top right-hand side. Click the icon to download it.
ii. Select from Family: This process will let you see more varieties of fonts as you scroll down to view your favorite font. Use this method when you don’t know the name of the font or you are not sure about a suitable font for the project.
The fonts page will have many boxes displayed below the search box. Each box represents a family. If you click on any box, a new page will appear that shows all the fonts belonging to that family. You can select the particular font that will enhance your project and a new page will open. You can see the download icon on the top right of the new page. Clicking on the button will download the font.
Tip: There is an option to see how your text will look with the new font. The search box has a section where you can type your text. The boxes below will display the text with the respective fonts.

Adding Fonts from the Google Slides UI
The Slides editor has a built-in option that allows the user to add fonts from the project page itself. Here are the steps:
i. Open the project.
ii. Select the text box that needs a different font.
iii. Locate the front dropdown arrow from the toolbar. Check whether your font is included in the list. If it is there, it can be selected to add to your presentation.
iv. Make sure that the font is not there in the choices. Click ‘More Fonts’ to open another window.
v. All available fonts that are at disposal will be laid out here. You can add new fonts by simply clicking the name of the font. Similarly, clicking the ‘X’ sign next to the font will remove it from the list.
vi. Select the matching font and use it in the text box of your project. Click ‘OK’ to finish adding fonts.
Tip: The top of the page has filters. You can search for a font with its name or family. The filter section also has an option to sort your results based on popularity, alphabetical order, or date.
Adding Fonts Using CSS Script
This is a simple developer technique that can be easily used by people who do not know to code. This option is useful for those who wish to publish their presentations.
i. Publishing your Google Slides Project: Open the presentation that you want to publish online. Click on the File tab and select the ‘publish’ option. It will further display more choices for public view. You can select to publish the entire project or particular pages. After making the necessary selection, you can click on ‘Publish’ to get the URL of the project. Any person who has the URL can open the project as a web page and view it from their computer. Many users use the URL to embed it on their websites or social media pages.
ii. Adding Fonts: Search for a reliable CSS package provider and get the simple HTML code to use the package. Insert the code at the top of the script. Different browsers may display the page with slight variations. You can find out how each browser displays the presentation by opening it using particular browsers.
Using the CSS Editor to Add Fonts
This is another easy method to add fonts to your presentation. Follow the below steps to use CSS editor in your quest to find out how to add fonts to Google slides:
i. Open the CSS editor.
ii. You will find the “T” icon on the top right. Click it.
iii. The pop will display a line-up of various fonts.
iv. Select the font you need by scrolling down and clicking on the name of the font. You can alternatively type the name of the font to select it.
v. Now you can add your font of choice to the project by selecting the text and changing it to the new font.
Adding a New Font to Change All the Text in the Presentation
In this section, we will discuss how to add fonts to Google slides and apply it for all the text instead of editing individual text boxes.
i. Use any of the methods illustrated above to download a suitable font for your project.
ii. The first page of the presentation is known as the master slide. Select it.
iii. Open the front dropdown menu. Select all the text boxes that need to be changed into the new font.
iv. The text box has two sections. Top section of the box contains the titles of all slides. The bottom section is for editing all other texts.
v. Use the text box options to make necessary amendments to the presentation.
vi. After all the texts have been attributed with the newly added font, you can save it.
You can open your presentation to confirm that all the texts that you modified are displaying accordingly. You have now learned how to add fonts to Google slides in the simplest ways to make your presentations enchanting.